Rant/ Confessional

Hey all,

As I’m sure all of us did, I found last week’s class quite emotionally draining. That, coupled with my feelings I’m a serious fish out of water in here made me wonder whether I belong in this program at all. Dylan then brilliantly suggested we record my rant about it ( we were car pooling back to Guelph ) and after much internal debate, I have decided to post it here. Warning, some salty language. Also, I speak pretty fast and don’t enunciate.

Ted’s Rant and Confessional-2isachy

If it’s too hard to understand, I’ll transcribe it.

Also struggling with the book presentation for Wednesday.

Also also struggling with the literary review.

Also also also want to practice piano and/or drums.

Also also also also need a nap.

10 thoughts on “Rant/ Confessional”


    Thanks for the endorphin release, Ted and Dylan. I appreciate your honesty about this. Maybe we should all have a confessional rant. You will find, yet again, that you are not alone. How many of us really knew what we were getting into? I have a friend who is a grad of the program. I hold him responsible for the mess I am currently in. He did try to warn me and kept asking me “Have you figured out your placement yet? Have you decided on your research yet?” since the spring. I just skipped merrily along, composing and performing and smelling the flowers. I thought I had lots of time.

    I. Was. Wrong.

  2. It takes courage to be honest about this, thank you. I relate to what you’re saying. It’s a lot of work and I think for most of us, we’re trying very hard to keep up with our lives/work while at the same time trying to stay on top of everything for this program. It’s not easy, but I think the reward of eventually completing the degree will well be worth it. I think you belong here as much as anyone else.
    I’m finding it a struggle to complete the work while maintaining my family life/ and work, and I also need a nap, not joking. You’re not alone. We’re in this together… but I’m not going to do your home work for you.

  3. Hi Ted

    For what its worth, your not alone. I too am struggling like hell, this literary review is an ass kicker! But know this you belong in this class just as much as anyone else, so don’t give up hope. You are one of us and we are all in this together. Hang in there my friend.



  4. I want to add…this class is awesome and you are an important part of that, so please don’t give up! Nap as needed. Practice for refreshment. Read for relevance.

    I look forward to your presentation on Wednesday. We’ve got your back!

  5. Oh Ted, I can’t tell you how much I relate to this rant.

    I haven’t fully shared how I ended up here. I HAD planned to do this masters….at some point in the next 10 years. As you know, I was coming off of maternity leave with my daughter and had no desire to go back to work yet, as I really enjoyed my time home with her. My husband and I agreed that I would stay home an extra 6 months, until February and then she would start daycare and I’d go back to working at my school. I applied for, and was accepted for, an extended leave-GREAT! Next, I went to talk to daycare and was told that unless Ayana started in September, they wouldn’t have a spot! So here I was, two kids to start daycare in September and not working? I am not the kind of person to sit around, so I thought, SURE, why not! I’ll add a Masters to my already insane life with two little kids and a husband working on building a company….that sounds like a GREAT idea.

    To say I am overwhelmed would be an understatement. I am struggling every day with guilt about missing time with my family, severe lack of sleep (what IS that, anyways?) and a large strain on my already strained relationship. I think the best word to describe me, right now, at this moment, is depleted. I am glad next week is reading week because I really don’t know how much longer I can continue at this pace without a break.

    I just want you to know, I am feeling what you’re feeling, and I appreciate your input in class. I think you absolutely belong here and you are a valuable member of the group. Don’t give up-we need you!


  6. Ted, I’m chiming into the group. Thank you for the vulnerability in your rant. This is a perfect juncture to reiterate how much we all need one another in order to do “the work”. . the real work is the stuff we do as a community, that is, through our interdependence and interconnectedness. That being said, use the entire class to gain the kind of understanding, knowledge base, and skills that you’ll need to make the world a better place. We do the work together. Meditation can help you through the nap stuff too. Time for to give you all restorative, contemplative tools.

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