Music students hang in the lounge

Just wanted to discuss the recent get together in the grad lounge last week. It was interesting. I feel the more outgoing and what appeared to be open students got the most out of it. There were some folks who really engaged fully with all the aspects of the gathering. They jammed, ate some of Mark’s child, and generally got to know people. I think this is the crowd we reach first and the one that will be the first part of a change. At the other extreme, there were people who definitely acted like “their space” was being invaded, although even they usually had some candy. ( Good idea Nikki! ) I think the gathering was successful, although I am reminded that the changes i attitudes will take time. It would be great for whoever is around from year to year to pass this along as a regularly scheduled event.

Oops, now this is on my post

I wanted to post this piece by Son House. Although this was recorded in 1965, his career started in the 1930s and by the very nature of his being poor, southern, and of colour, he speaks to the black experience in America. Also worth noting is how elemental the instrumentation is ( voice, handclaps ) and how off the cuff the performance is. Whenever I feel the music I’m involved in is too clever for it’s own good, the early American Blues artists always set me back on a better path…………

A Unity of Effect

I recently read “Who Needs Classical Music” by Julian Johnson and as well as raising some good questions, it made me rethink some things. For most of my life, i have bent over backwards to see all types of music as equal, but as Johnson points out, are all musics used for the same purpose?  Also, should art and entertainment be treated the same way?

Johnson says much of “classical music” ( a term that is limited, to say the least ) is termed elitist, but isn’t that just  using political correctness to avoid learning and dealing with the music because it is mainly associated with being wealthy, male, and white?

The term “unity of effect” that I used as the title of this post is Johnson referring to the idea that a piece of music is a complete story, and for one to get the full benefit, one has to experience it in it’s entirety, just as one would do with a movie or a book.

He also mentions that one should experience art with no distractions to get it’s full benefit. How much of society is willing to devote an hour to something without checking their cell phone?

In conclusion, as well as bringing up all these very pertinent questions, Johnson has convinced me that art and popular musics need to be viewed differently and that isn’t elitism.

UN declaration on Indigenous Rights

Hey all, I was scheduled to report on the UN declaration on Indigenous rights. I decided to post my notes here as we are running out of time and I have one more presentation to do. When I read the document, I started trying to categorize the main points. the main ones I found were:

Many combinations for categories (Cultural Freedom, Cultural identity, etc. )

Some declarations identify risk-group within a risk group such as indigenous women, children and physically challenged people.

Some questions it left me with:

Were indigenous people consulted about the declaration? Or is this just another way colonizers can feel less guilty while STILL telling native people how they should feel?

Why did it take Canada almost 10 years to adopt the declaration?

Why difference does it make to the lives of first nations people in Canada, for example?

but as of 2016, 85 first nations communities in Canada were under water advisements.

It still feels like a lot of words when there’s lots of work to be done.

UPDATE: Here’s an article I found on the clean water issue..


Further to my comments in class tonight

Hey all,

Thanks for a great class tonight. I hope I didn’t hijack the discussion. I just feel that, unfortunately, a lot of classical musicians are fed a school experience in university that doesn’t nurture them. I saw a lot of big differences in the teaching styles, performance opportunities etc. available to Jazz majors as opposed to classical ones when I went to McGill and sadly, a lot of talented people didn’t continue in music because most of the pleasure in it was gone for them.. It’d be great if symphonic players got chances to play by ear, jam etc. in school.


Anyway, great presentations and discussions tonight!

Rant/ Confessional

Hey all,

As I’m sure all of us did, I found last week’s class quite emotionally draining. That, coupled with my feelings I’m a serious fish out of water in here made me wonder whether I belong in this program at all. Dylan then brilliantly suggested we record my rant about it ( we were car pooling back to Guelph ) and after much internal debate, I have decided to post it here. Warning, some salty language. Also, I speak pretty fast and don’t enunciate.

Ted’s Rant and Confessional-2isachy

If it’s too hard to understand, I’ll transcribe it.

Also struggling with the book presentation for Wednesday.

Also also struggling with the literary review.

Also also also want to practice piano and/or drums.

Also also also also need a nap.

Angst R’ Me!

Well, a couple of weeks in and I’m still feeling like I’m swimming upstream. I think my concept for my capstone is going to have to change, plus the literary review, plus the class presentation. I’m feeling stressed, but trying to take care of myself in the process. So, I thought I’d post a couple of pieces of music I derive some serenity from. There’s lots of music I listen to for many reasons, ( I certainly wouldn’t want anyone to think I only listen to Jazz! )  but the 2 pieces below seem to help me chill out and regain some perspective.


                                   Of course, nothing makes me happier than when I’m doing this, either practicing or performing…..

What music, or any other practices keep you grounded and calm? Also, I have been finding the meditation helpful, but the feeling of it for me is fleeting so far. Guess I need to give it more time. See everyone tonight.

21st Century Schizoid Ted

Hey all,

Sorry I haven’t commented much on other’s posts so far. So far, at this party, I’m the person who says, ” But enough of me talking about myself. What do you think of me?”


Just wanted to post what I think is a MAJOR dichotomy for me in pursuing community music. I really dislike music being presented as being unavailable to most people. In fact, I think the whole idea of talent is sort of a scam. That said, I have worked hard for many years to be the best musician I can, and continue to do so. So, I also believe that hard work and study should be reasonably compensated for. ( Now THERE”S an awkward sentence! ) The amount of nickel and dime-ing I’ve experienced would never have occurred in any other discipline outside of the arts! As the expressing goes, ” Love the music, hate the business! ”


Thoughts? Comments? Manifestos?

Careful! Ted’s Grumpy

Hi folks,

You’re all lovely BUT I HATE THIS SITE! uploading anything is problematic, any change I make makes it crash! I’s ;like to make this more entertaining, flashy, and swanky but right now I want to scream and throw my computer out the window!


My blogger run blog can be reached at if you feel like checking it out, and also to prove I can  actually do this if the interface cooperates with me!